Romantic and passionate...

Morgan Turner is a Swiss artist painter. Coming from a family with an artistic bent, she discovers very early a real passion for painting. Self-taught, she learns drawing and painting at a very young age, watching her grandmother paint, fascinated.

At the age of 15, she joined a school of applied art where she studied graphic design. Feeling more and more attracted by the attractive freedom that art can give her, it is during this period that she decides to materialize her vision and to make her passion a profession. The idea grew within her as she devoted more and more time to painting. Never satisfied, it was only after discovering her own artistic voice that she began to feel truly confident in her destiny.

Her entourage encouraged her to paint, and at the age of 20, she quit graphic design to devote herself to art and begin a career as an artist. From then on, Morgan followed her own path. She does not deny her classical training and recognizes that drawing and composition are essential. But she claims her freedom, her taste for color, for the touch.

Constantly inspired by her surroundings, she paints the world as she experiences it. She seeks inspiration in the journeys she takes, whether they take place on a road or in her own heart. "Art is the perfect freedom". Morgan flees the big cities in search of space and fresh air, and therefore never stops traveling. If, since her childhood, she tends towards painting, her other passion is the motorcycle, with which she rides the roads of Europe. Thus affirming her daring and independent spirit. She is enchanted by the Alps, the magnificent mountains, the waterfalls, the beautiful pine forests. She finds inspiration in the boldness of these small scenes taken on the spot, which she captures in a style close to the sketch. So quickly and faithfully sketched from the most inconstant, the most elusive in form and color, from winding paths, waves and clouds. If romanticism, in life, literature or painting, is defined by the exaltation and exasperation of feelings, Morgan is the absolute incarnation of it. It is a freedom of line that guides her, the practice of painting, the capture of the moment, the most authentic expression of a heart-wrenching emotion. Sometimes in the form of portraits of women, sometimes in the form of landscapes. These subjects strike a chord with her, giving life to the complete materialization of her vision.


A transitional painter between abstract aesthetics and a more traditional painting technique, her process is the result of years of practice, which the discovery of her own artistic voice has evolved into something much greater. 

She collects pages from books that have inspired her and collages them at first, then freely lays down inks on the canvas, letting herself be guided by the moment. But her favorite phase is when she applies the first layer of oil, when nothing is really defined and the work begins to take shape. She models her own vision, which appears before her eyes. By applying paint to a canvas, she becomes the master of her own destiny. Her work is full of symbolism and often provokes intense emotions in people, who often describe her artworks as going straight to the heart and capturing them with genuine feeling. Morgan expresses love, hope, authenticity and beauty through her brush strokes. She often finds inspiration in her daily life. As Frida Kahlo once said, "I don't paint my dreams or my nightmares, I paint my own reality," which is also what she lives.

She currently resides in Switzerland where she works in her prolific studio, open year round. It is from here that she draws her inspiration, where she contemplates the mountains and lets her mind wander freely, following the rivers that flow between the mountains and valleys, while she prepares her next exhibition.

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